Writing prompt for today:
The Things People Say
is the strangest thing anyone has ever said to you or asked you about being
adopted? What is the most insightful thing anyone has ever said to you about
being adopted? Has anyone ever shared your story without your permission? If so,
how did that make you feel? Who “owns” your story and what part of your story do
you share with others in your adoption “triad”? Is there a line when it comes to
sharing? If so, where is that line drawn for you?
I'd have to say that the strangest things I've heard regarding being adopted have been since I started blogging.
"You should be grateful that you were adopted..things could be so much worse."
Ummmmm...read some of my more raw blog posts and see how worse life was for me because I was adopted.
"My adopted child will never be bitter and angry."
This one kills me. I mean, there are some things in life you can control, but someone else's feelings isn't one of them.
"Your adoptive parents ARE your real parents."
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Yes, such as they were, my adoptive parents were real. But no more real than my natural parents. Love isn't endless. Love can multiply.
The most insightful thing anyone has said once they've found out I was adopted came about when my fiance was talking to his aunt about my reunion with my mom and family. He told me that she got this serious expression her face and said, very simply, "That's fantastic. Now she knows her people." Amazing. She got in ten seconds what some people will never understand.
So the answer to, "Has anyone shared my story?" would be yes. Steven has shared my story with his family and they were nothing but supportive. I didn't mind him sharing because I know he truly gets how being adopted affects me. He wasn't looking to get validation that I'm crazy. He wants his family to know me and that makes me happy.
Ultimately, I own my part in my story...just as my natural mother owns hers and my adoptive mother owns hers. But our stories are all intertwined together, for better or for worse. But the odd thing is, I don't share everything of my story with either of my mothers. I just can't. It goes back to not wanting to anger my adoptive mother and not wanting to hurt my natural one.
I'm not sure where my line of sharing is. On my blog, I don't censor myself. I spent too many years being silent and not being my true self. Here, because my mothers and extended family members don't read my posts, I can be authentic. Perhaps someday I can share that with them, but for now, I'm content to share myself with you.
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