Wow. I never expected
my last post to generate so many comments, but I wanted to thank each and every
person who commented as it just goes to show that there are many varying
opinions about abortion and adoption and what is acceptable to write about out there.
All I can say is that this blog is my chance to offer you MY
opinions. Just me. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me all
the time, or even part of the time. That’s
not why I’m here. I’m here to get my
feelings and emotions out, regardless of what POWERDAD may I’m an adoptee and I’m a survivor. I have a right to my opinions, just like all
of you have a right to yours. Don’t want
to hear what I have to say? That’s fine…just
click on the “X” at the top of the screen and be gone. It’s as easy as that.
I did have just a few things I wanted to say before I hit “Publish”.
I don’t think of myself as a victim. Like I said above, I am a survivor. I am not strong because I am adopted…I am
strong in spite of it. And regardless of
how you try to spin my words, I do acknowledge that there are certain
circumstances where children cannot live with their natural families. As I stated in my comments on the below post,
I believe in guardianship. Give a child
a family but do not take away their heritage and their link to their natural
I am really glad you have been reading my blog, but I cannot
change the way I am or how I talk or write.
I’m sorry if you disagree with me commenting on other’s blogs but isn’t
that the whole point of blogs anyway? I
cannot promise that I won’t continue to point out other blogs or sites that I
don’t agree with. Again, that’s my right..just
as it’s everyone else’s right to link to my blog to call me out on something they
take offense to. And for the record, I’m
discouraged by the conversation as well.
I did visit your blog and saw the video of you campaigning
outside of the abortion clinic. You have
your thoughts on the matter and I have mine.
Clearly we will never agree…and while I am a bit appalled by your
methods, you’re entitled to preach your God’s words any way you’d like. Please don’t tell me that I’m not Christian or
am evil because I don’t go along with your way of thinking though. Judge not, lest ye be judged, right?