I'm afraid that you all are going to come along with me for the ride in regards to this wedding. After the shock has slowly worn off (!!!!!!!!!), I've started to look at websites for dress ideas and am looking into making my wedding favors myself. Thankfully, I'm pretty crafty (and modest) as are my friends who are all on board with helping me plan this event.
My friends at work are ecstatic and are sending me links to honeymoon sites. Hahahahaha...
Adoption related anxieties are starting already though. This would be a lot easier if I didn't have my adoptive family and natural family to plan around. I mean I KNOW that it's "my day"...and that S and I ultimately make the decisions about who to invite and how the day will go...but how the hell do I incorporate both mothers in my ceremony without hurt feelings on one side or the other. I don't want it to turn into a Us vs. Them scenario.
My adoptive sister will most likely perform the ceremony...she's a minister and has her own church, so that part is taken care of. But I don't have a father anymore. And so the problem becomes, who walks me down the aisle? If I just have my adoptive mother do it, my natural mother would be hurt (but wouldn't voice that to me...she would keep it to herself). Having my natural mother walk me down the aisle by herself is out of the question unless I want to be completely disowned by my entire adoptive family. Option # 3 is to have both mothers walk me down the aisle...which would make my natural mom happy but would piss my adoptive mother off to no end. And lastly, I could just say "Screw it, I'm walking by MYSELF".
People, I'm stressed already and the engagement is only five days old.
Let's get ready to rumble, my friends...bring it on.